
3 Interesting Trends for the Future of Blogging

The future of blogging is one that is difficult to decipher. On one hand, there are over 200 million blogs on the internet today; a number that increases on a daily basis. This number speaks to just how popular blogging has become and seemingly will continue to be.


On the other hand, the modern day internet is so saturated with content that it’s hard to imagine how much more it can really take. In 2015, there were estimates that over 211 million pieces of content was being created every minute of every day.

Of that 211 million, there were 1400 newly published blog posts per minute. Stretched out over a full day, that’s over 2 million new blog posts a day.

But you don’t need to be a mathematician to realize that there is a ton of content online. Most Google searches nowadays yield tens of millions of results.

With all this in mind, what exactly can be expected for the future of blogging? Well, let’s take a look.

#1 – Predictive Analytics Will Be Used to Find Gold Mine Sub Niches

When you’re looking for ideas for a blog, most blog owners will tell you that you need to pick a niche, sub-niche, or even micro niche that allows you to compete with SEO in your space. Then, you work for weeks, months, or even years to develop a following within that niche and eventually, or more like hopefully, turn a profit.

But what if predictive analytics could show new blog owners exactly what sub niches could be turned into future gold mines? Well, think about how this has already happened.

In the physical fitness space, for example, yoga has absolutely taken off. Those who got into this sub niche a decade ago are now reaping the benefits.

As time goes on, expect more and more new blog owners to use detailed predictive analytics to make educated decisions about which sub niches they should be blogging about.

#2 – Blog Owners Will Focus More On Mobile Device Presentation

The growth of mobile media usage over the past eight years is astounding. In 2015, mobile media rose to the point where it accounted for over 50% of total digital media usage per day. In 2008, it accounted for only 12% of the total.

With this in mind, it’s hard to argue that it will become more and more necessary for blog owners to shift their focus to mobile presentation. If they don’t, they’re going to have a tough time growing their readership.

#3 – Collaborative Content Creation Will Rise

Collaboration is already a major part of blogging. Guest blogging, which is a form of collaboration, has long been one of the most popular methods for blog promotion.

But, while the popularity of guest blogging is undeniable, most guest posts don’t involve a truly collaborative effort between two sides. One side writes the content, the other side posts it on their site, both sides win. That’s the way it works.

For the future of blogging, expect there to be a more genuine focus on collaborative content creation. Whether that be in-house, between the designer, writer, and photographer, or simply between two different blog owners, expect that the need to create even better content will lead to more collaboration between different experts.

While predicting the future of blogging is undoubtedly a bit of challenge, look for the three trends listed above to become commonplace throughout the blogging sphere in the years to come.

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