If last year saw you splash the cash, perhaps you could take control of your finances in 2016. Although it might seem difficult at first, saving yourself money can be simple if you know what to look out for. So, let’s have a look at four ways that could help you reel in your spending habits this year.
- Shop around for your insurance
Whether it’s your car, your home or even your life, insurance is a necessity you can’t afford to go without. However, just because you need it, doesn’t mean you have to fork out to ensure that you’re protected. For instance, if your home insurance is due to expire in the upcoming months, instead of letting it carry on with the same provider, you could take matters into your own hands and shop around. There are various comparison and broker websites that can help you compare the best offers for you. For example, specialist broker Chill Insurance provides a list of the top providers to assist you in finding the most suitable home insurance.
- Reduce your energy costs
Cutting your energy bills is a great way to save yourself some cash, and there are a variety of ways you can do this. For example, by simply swapping your regular light bulbs for more energy efficient versions, such as LEDs, and making a conscious effort to switch lights off when they’re not needed, you could soon see you’re left with some extra money. You could also keep an eye on your heating and only switch it on when it’s absolutely necessary. On a larger scale, replacing your boiler for a more efficient model, installing double-glazed windows and getting loft or wall insulation are highly effective long-term solutions that could reduce your energy costs, saving you money year on year.
- Switch up your food shopping habits
While food shopping bills can vary between households, there’s no denying that it’s easy to blow your budget at the supermarket. However, there are a few simple ways you can cut your grocery bills without having to forgo your favourite foods. For example, instead of picking up a certain brand, you could go for the shop’s own cheaper version instead, and the chances are you won’t be able to taste the difference. Moreover, instead of stocking up at your local corner shop where the prices tend to be higher, make the effort to visit a supermarket. You’re likely to be able to pick up more for less and you’ll be able to leave it longer between visits.
- Make money-saving lifestyle choices
It may seem fairly obvious, but it’s possible to save money through the lifestyle choices you make. For example, instead of going out for a meal and catching a film at the cinema, why not opt to cook your own meal at home and watch a DVD instead? While it’s perfectly acceptable to treat yourself and your loved ones once in awhile, you could limit these outings for special occasions. Make staying in the new going out and save yourself some cash in the process.
Putting a few of these suggestions into action could be just what you need to take the reigns when it comes to controlling your financial situation throughout 2016.