
Apps for the Commoner

The term ‘geek’ probably refers to a tech savvy guy that doesn’t get out much or a guy that doesn’t know much about the real world. So, although I have made my website with a ‘geeky’ name, I am nothing like you might imagine. I get out and about, but only after I‘ve had at least 3 cups of coffee! I have come to realise that my brain goes into a semi-torpid state while I am sleeping and until it gets its first sniff of caffeine, it refuses to join the rest of my body in any daily activities. I don’t mind that much because some of the earliest morning action doesn’t amount to me wanting to use the grey matter!


There has been a real upswing in apps for iPad and Android lately and while it may be confusing for many, it’s a good thing. You can’t have too many apps, can you? If you have the time to define your requirements of an app then selecting and downloading the one you want is a simple exercise. Anyway, if you get it wrong you just delete don’t you? The increase in apps must be great for UK Developers. I have a couple of friends in the game and they say they don’t know which way to turn as everybody wants an app built.

The friend that works at i-developers London UK developers tells me some stories about the requests, some of which are good but plenty which defy description. Some people want apps that would require a supercomputer to provide the info. By the way, that requirement of information can be overcome by making the app responsive to input from all users and making sure it can disseminate and record the info. Sounds complicated but it’s not. A bit like the program for a simple survey really.

The other thing about apps is the cost. People tend to think they will cost a lot but that’s not necessarily true. Just check out the list of prices published here and you will get a better idea of whether you charge for a download or not. I believe that an app that charges for a download would need to be very particular in its properties and what it can provide to the user.

Strangely enough, with all my tech stuff, I have never got into the app business but maybe I should have a lot earlier. Just advertise my services and watch the customers flock to my site, haha! Well, that’s the dream of it. Probably miles from the truth. I think I’ll just keep pottering along dong the stuff that I know best. It sounds like I am a bit fearful of stepping out of my comfort zone and in a way that’s true but also I don’t really need to. There’s only so much time in a day and you have to have game time, which, is about NOW!

Hello there!
Hello there!

My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

I network in Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester in the North West, England.

This website is my online notebook dedicated to tech, marketing and finance.

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