
Avoid Memory Issues on the Latest Computers and Mobile Devices

It’s easy to get frustrated when you’re using your computer or mobile device, and a warning shows up saying that you have run out of memory. In the middle of a project, or in the middle of doing something or playing something, everything comes to a screeching halt. And not only does this happen once, but it happens every time you do some specific sequence of events. That’s when it’s time to dig into getting rid of your memory issues on your devices.

You need to approach this problem from several perspectives. On computers, pay attention to your login items when you start your system up. If possible, buy more RAM so that memory hungry applications don’t run out. Turn off your browsers if that’s where memory issues are coming from. And in high-end software packages, you can often adjust internal settings as they relate to memory usage.

Login Items

Many Mac users just let everything run on default, especially when it comes to installing new applications and programs. However, this can present a problem eventually, because many applications create login and initiations that you are unaware of. If you find that your Mac has slowed down, especially during startup, and there are memory troubles as you use it, find out what login items might be causing this memory clogged, and take steps to remove them.

Buy More RAM

RAM is expensive. But, if you don’t have enough RAM, any application or program that requires a lot of memory is going to suffer. When you initially by your computer, make sure that you know what your RAM statistics are. Then, find out what sort of software applications you’ll be using, and find out how much memory they require. If there’s a mismatch, you need to purchase more so that you don’t run into operation errors that are so common because of this system incongruency.

Turn Off Browsers

It’s amazing how many people keep 40 browser windows open. If this sounds like you, then it’s a habit that you should stop immediately. If you’ve noticed a lot of lag when you are trying to do basic operations on your computer, and then open up Internet Explorer or Google Chrome to find out that you have three dozen browser windows open and running, it’s no surprise that your computer is confused about which memory stacks to prioritize. Especially if you’re running complicated software, simply turn off the browsers until your task is complete.

Adjust Software Settings

Finally, sometimes you have an opportunity to adjust RAM or other memory settings inside applications. For example, high-end audio editors or high-end photo processing applications use a lot of memory. However, if you turn down the amount that you say is available, it can help improve overall memory performance. The program itself will adjust to the limits that you put on it from these internal settings.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

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