Short Form Articles vs Long Form Blog Posts: Which One Should You Choose?
Every digital marketing agency is aware of the importance of developing an effective content strategy, which improves performance and conversion rates. With the right type
Every digital marketing agency is aware of the importance of developing an effective content strategy, which improves performance and conversion rates. With the right type
A CDN is one of the most beneficial optimization components that a business can have. Online presence, content accessibility, and website speeds are necessities as
The numbers of injuries children suffer while in school is on the rise. Usually, most accidents and injuries happen on the playground, where there are
Robots have continued to evolve over the years with many industries adopting them. Today, these appliances are used in diverse sectors and applications such as
For any budding bloggers who eventually want to turn their blogging exploits into a stable income stream, lots of advice is naturally available online,
Therapeutic qualities of weighted blankets provide men with sound sleep they deserve. Geek’s life is not easy. Hours spent in front of a computer, stressful
Video blogging (or vlogging for short) has become a popular way to share your thoughts with the world. With how widespread Youtube has gotten, it’s
I’ve travelled around the world a few times in my life and have used lots of different backpacks and bags. Some were more reliable than
The future of blogging is one that is difficult to decipher. On one hand, there are over 200 million blogs on the internet today; a
My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.
I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.
I network in Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester in the North West, England.
This website is my online notebook dedicated to tech, marketing and finance.
Have an idea for a post or a subject you would like me to write about? Drop me a message and I’ll see what I can do.
A big thanks to all those who have provided guest posts.