How You can Earn Cash Back on Every Day Purchases with the Saivian App

If you ask most people if they would like to earn money back on their normal, everyday purchases, most people’s answers would be a resounding, “Yes!” Well, if that is you, you are in luck. The Saivian App is made to do just that.

Created by a group of designers, the Saivian App has a system in place of receiving your receipts and then giving you cash back at the end of each month. For every day families and consumers that are already spending a hefty amount each month on groceries, gas, pharmacies and clothes, getting some cash back is a welcomed reward at the end of each month.

Read on to see if the Saivian App may be right for you:

Earn Cash Back

The Saivian app was created to put money back in your pocket. Throughout the course of the month, you will either take a photo with your phone or email your receipts into Saivian. They will then process your receipts and then start crediting your cash reward to your account.

You’re gonna spend the money anyway

Many purchases that are eligible to earn cash back are purchases you were most likely going to make anyway. Many grocery stores, gas stations, retail clothing, pharmacies, electronic stores, restaurants, jewelry stores and other merchants are eligible for earning the cash back reward.  So by using the Saivian App you can potentially be earning 20% back on all the purchases you make for everyday living and special events. Not a bad idea!

Steps to Take

You can download the Saivian Android App on google play. Be sure to link it to your phone for easy use, because who doesn’t take their phone almost everywhere with them! Then keep track of your receipts by either taking a picture of them with your phone or scanning and emailing them in. Watch the cash back rewards grow in your account and get a happy feeling when you get money back at the end of every month.

What if I am unsure?

Well, so far over 2 million people have down loaded the Saivian App. However, as long as you make your initial purchase with a credit card, you have 72 hours to request a refund if you feel this product isn’t for you. After that, you are completely free to cancel at any time. Even though Saivian is a membership app, there are no contracts or any other obligations. If at any time you feel like you would like to cancel, simply go to your profile tab to cancel your membership for the next billing cycle.

Other ways to make money with this app

If you are a super star networker or have other people in your circle that you refer to Saivian App, you can earn some big bucks. Referral payments start at $5 a day for three people referred and jump up quite significantly from there. This can be an easy way to earn some extra cash for a product you are already using yourself.

So whether you are running a busy household, shopping a lot for yourself or just out there in the world traveling around, check out if you may be able to benefit from using the Saivian App.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

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