Geek Gadgets for Your Car

When it comes to your car, you’re probably used to everything by now. All that stuff you got so excited about when you first test drove it are now basically old hat to you. Maybe you want to know how much is a New Jersey speeding ticket or something a little different than your current car, but don’t want to go out and buy a new car. Thankfully, there are plenty of geeky gadgets out there for people who want to give their car a little more panache. Here are just a few options that give you the full range of geek.

Knight Rider USB Charger

Hopefully you don’t need to be told that Knight Rider was a television show that featured a smart, talking car. This special vehicle was named KITT, and sometimes wanted to do more than just give standard dashboard information. Your car probably already talks to you in the form of telling you where to go and which exit ramp to avoid, but that’s not what this is. For those who loved this TV show, you get two USB charging ports plus the ability to hear KITT’s most iconic lines. Definitely a clever way to be remembered in your circle of friends. There’s even a button to push when you want the sound of silence.

LED Car Sign

Do you love using emoticons in your text messages? Are you basically unfulfilled if you don’t get to use even one smiley, winky or frowny face? There’s an LED car sign from Drivemocion that’s set up so you can let drivers know just how you feel when you’re on the road. Far from just letting drivers know that you’re planning to turn left or right, now you can tell them what you think if they’re tailgating you or cutting you off. Or you can say something much nicer, which will be approved by any defensive driving course, such as I’m letting you in or I’m happy to wait.

Solar Flash Tire Wheel Lights

Driving at night is fun when you have something exciting like a convertible or a sports car. But what if you just drive a Civic or a Corolla? There’s no reason to feel boring on the road when you use these wheel lights. They use the sun’s energy to store up power in solar cells, and then take that energy and turn it into colored lights when you’re driving around after the sun goes down. These aren’t expensive, and they can give a new dimension to even the most practical of cars.

Heated Steering Wheel

Plenty of cars come with heated steering wheels, but they’re normally lumped into packages that end up costing much more than they’re worth. But there’s also nothing fun about wearing gloves when you’re driving as you wait for the entire car to heat up. This gadget goes around the entire steering wheel, which is a departure from the norm because they’re usually only heated halfway around at the top. This way, you get heat for both the top and bottom portions and you don’t have to worry about losing a finger due to frostbite.

Bluetooth Buddy Speakerphones

If you’re driving around a car from the past, you likely have your own way of using your smartphone and access internet within it that has nothing to do with Bluetooth. But just how safe are you being when it comes to these workaround solutions? The speakerphone from SuperTooth can be paired with up to two different devices (at the same time), plus it’s one of the cheaper options on the market. All you need to do is hook it up to the visor to use it whenever you need it.

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