Online Casinos – The Ultimate Lesson in Web Application Extensibility

In focus this week is the issue of web application extensibility, a topic which seems to terrify newbie coders in particular who are thrown in the deep-end or throw themselves into the deep-end by resolving to learn how to code through the development of a workable web application solution. Alongside falling in love with more of an Object Oriented approach to coding, extensibility is right up there with the most important aspect to learn, so extensibility should not be feared, but rather wholly embraced.

Online casinos come into focus as the case study with which to explore some lessons in extensibility and in all fairness, online casinos perhaps make for the best lesson one can learn in code extensibility.

The core functionality

It’s challenging enough having to come up with the core code to operate even the simplest of online casino engines. So many considerations have to come into play right off the bat, like how secure your source code is in terms of how it can keep operating safely even if someone were to figure its basic structure out. Something like a randomizer script should still be able to generate random variables and parameters, for example, even if an outsider such as a malicious hacker were to figure out exactly how it works.

That’s only the beginning of your security considerations however as there is the browser-level security to consider as well, typically taken care of using SSL implementation, then there are things like how your site would function should you actually explode in the number of users who not only form part of platform, but seek to be engaged with the platform all at once. It’s only through extensibility that you’d be able to scale up your web application’s performance in the event that it really takes off and there are a lot of users querying the various database-driven systems, for example.

Apart from maybe social networks, the biggest of these only, it must be said, online casinos are perhaps the busiest web application platforms in existence. So databases need to be structured in such a way that they can offer good performance even if they’re bursting at the seams with user data.

Promotional features

I reckon this speaks to the core of what this post is all about, that being how online casinos offer the ultimate lesson in what web application extensibility is all about. Imagine you were part of the development team for the Tropicana Casino’s online betting platform. At some point down the line, the franchise decides it’s time to implement their special promotion, part of which entails users being able to use a Tropicana Casino Promotional Code to get some extra credits to bet with.

This would have to work without disrupting the core code which drives the regular engine of the platform while at the same time the application of this promotional code must be seamless and not feel like it was an after-thought in any way. This is a challenge developers committed to their craft would relish and in practical application, this is exactly what extensibility is all about.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

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