Why Your Online Marketing Strategy Should Be Dynamic

The short answer to the question of just why your online marketing strategy needs to be dynamic is as simple as this: if it isn’t dynamic, you get left behind very quickly. You could be flying as high as taking the spoils at pole position in the SERPs one day and then fall right off completely within a matter of hours if your strategy is stagnant.


Well, that’s in relation to your rankings, which are perhaps the most important part of your online marketing strategy because I mean who doesn’t want the highest quality and volume of traffic which you can essentially get for free? Of course, it’ll only be free in the sense that once the SEO marketing strategy has been implemented, you pay nothing for all the traffic you get, but that doesn’t mean that the entire exercise will be free. In fact, the only manner in which your online marketing strategy as a whole will be free is if you’re seriously lucky or if you’re an online marketing expert. But even then, I suppose it’s still costing you time.

Be that as it may, the luck associated with getting it right with online marketing (particularly SEO) eventually runs out because the online marketing landscape changes very quickly. You may have fallen upon a strategy comprised out of a unique set of elements you brought together via trial-and-error, but that would mean that you’d have to continue with your trial-and-error approach going forward, which is undoubtedly going to be very time consuming and unsustainable in the long run. I mean it may have been all about backlinks once upon a time, but that’s not how it’s going to be forever and that’s definitely not how it is anymore to some extent, although high-quality backlinks still play an important part in your SEO strategy.

Even if you’re an internet marketing specialist, there must be one area which makes up your main focus as you simply cannot have all the knowledge required to be an expert in every single aspect and area of digital marketing. And guess what? It costs money to become an expert, so in the end you do have to spend some money anyway. It really doesn’t matter how you spend the money (well it does actually, as there are clever ways and not-so-clever ways of spending money), because what ultimately matters is that at some point or other you’ll have to spend money to get results.

This brings me nicely back to the point I’m trying to make through the topic of this post, which is that your online marketing strategy simply cannot be stagnant and needs to be dynamic. This doesn’t mean you have to constantly spend money on online marketing channels such as SEO every single month for the rest of your life. What it does mean is that you need to put into place online marketing channels which are dynamic and as tailored as possible to your blog/website/online business and then obviously your audience (who are to hopefully become your clients) as well. If we zone-in on the SEO aspect again, some of the best SEO Preston has to offer focuses on the local market, but this does not necessarily mean you have to make use of the service of an SEO company located right in Preston.

All you need to do is get one which has the region you want to cater to with your online offering and it also has to be dynamic in its approach, which means you’ll be briefed on some ongoing engagements you might have to periodically keep an eye on and tweak to make sure your online marketing strategy does indeed remain dynamic.

To let you in on a secret — the required dynamism to realise success through your online marketing strategy actually really just falls in line with the major search engines deeming your content to be valuable and fresh, which implies constant updates while the contemporary SEO trends are implemented to get a higher ranking.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

I network in Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester in the North West, England.

This website is my online notebook dedicated to tech, marketing and finance.

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