If you’ve ever run an advertising campaign over the social media platforms you’re active on, sometime after the heydays, you’ll know better than anyone else just how frustrating social media marketing can be. Nevertheless, it should form part of your marketing strategy or at the very least your strategy with regards to your online presence in general, but as far as it goes with your online presence, everything still comes right back down to your website.
The days when having a beautiful website were the preserve of those with a huge budget are long since gone and there is somewhat of a new standard of websites which will have the world taking your company, business or offer seriously. To a certain extent we can say that the Web 2.0, WordPress type websites are leading the way as far as standards go, with clean designs that supposedly focus on user friendliness, but since all of these things are available to all of us with nothing more than a few clicks of the mouse, how does one distinguish themselves?
More specifically, how do you optimise your site and make it stand out so that you can break into new markets?
Get your site professionally translated
Sure, a specialist translation agency costs money to have them translate your website professionally, but it’ll be worth it in the end and it doesn’t cost all that much in any case. As is the suggested case with the reference to the general ineffectiveness of contemporary social media advertising, using tools that everybody uses and tools which are readily available to everybody, as is, won’t set you apart at all. If you rely on Google’s automatic translator robot to do the translation for you, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Not that it’s a bad open tool which many websites use without their owners even knowing it – it’s just that a lot of the intended meaning gets lost in translation, often working out to some very offensive content.
I’ll give you a very simple example – if you were selling a certain soft drink from Brazil which is made from a local fruit, its name in Brazilian Portuguese translates to the male reproductive organ if run through any auto-translator robot for the Spanish readership. You’d need a couple of pros to pick that up.
Localise the use of graphics
Sure, the US dollar is still the world’s reserve currency, but when you’re trying to break into a local market online you want to appeal to the local people viewing your site in a way that suggests a bit of familiarity. Use local graphics like local currencies and perhaps even some photos of local people and places.
Rolling use of nuances
The use of nuances is suggested as a rolling solution because it would be somewhat of a never-ending activity trying to find and integrate nuances. Add them only as you go along and if you have some time as part of your continued site content review-and-update process.
So basically that’s what it comes down to – in order to optimise your website to break into new markets that transcend language and geographic barriers, translate your website professionally, use locally relevant graphics, and deploy a rolling use of nuances.