Security for Home Network and Connected Devices Takes Another Leap

Summary: Antivirus software is becoming much more today than it was a few years ago. Taking care of every device, it has become a necessity.

Image Courtesy: http://theinternetofallthings.com/

The word “Antivirus” has been around for a very long time and has been synonymous with protection for personal computers and laptops. Years have gone by and even though antivirus software has graduated many times, most people still don’t know about the expansion in the skillset of this extremely efficient piece of technology.

Security for home network and connected devices is the talk of the town today, owing to a gigantic number of lapses and issues in most ‘smart’ devices. Though these devices are crafted carefully, keeping the consumer’s safety in mind, attackers always find a way to hack everything and create havoc.

One of the reasons is also the humungous demand right now for smart homes and smarter devices. This puts pressure on the manufacturers to produce smart devices in large numbers and many a times, security is overlooked while other features like appeal and design are paid more attention to.

Image Courtesy: https://www.static.untitledkingdom.co

This unsafe void that has been created needs to be filled by a device that is smarter than all of them put together. Herein comes the role of the modern antivirus suites to save the day. With features that encompass every security measure for all devices with one account, there is no reason to ignore an efficient product like this. This simply takes home network security to another level of protection, far away from the hunting claws of malicious predators who are ready to devour every piece of information from your smart home.

Devices like the Bitdefender BOX protect your entire network by incorporating cloud, hardware and software. This multitasking product is like a smarter antivirus that notifies you of threats and weak security via a mobile app that goes by the name ‘BOX’. It recommends relevant measures that need to be taken instantly to protect your devices.

Image Courtesy: http://cdn2.hubspot.net

The IoT era is absolutely phenomenal but you need to protect it if you wish to reap the benefits for a long time to come. There is no looking back if you have your latest software that protects not one but all your devices along with the revolutionary Bitdefender BOX, then your security needs are taken care of.

Once you get your hands on these devices and software, you will be absolutely stunned to know their features and how they take care of your entire smart home without you having to manually do anything at all. An antivirus is not just for a laptop anymore! Smart home security is no more a hassle. There is no need to purchase too many security software packages or too many additional devices. Just one device and one antivirus software can do the job for you and your smart home. With IoT ruling the roost, security can be the least of your worries.

Reference: https://www.bitdefender.com/box/

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