Tech for Dyslexics

It is now possible to use a combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods to enhance the learning experience for struggling students with Autism, as well as introducing them to technologies that they may not have been exposed to in the classroom. There is a huge variety of technologies and programs available to educators today. The goal is to help students with various learning challenges to excel in a modern world that involves an increased reliance on technologies. Education is becoming even more inclusive as a result of inclusionary policies put into place by local, state, and federal government agencies. In some cases, children with disabilities are being encouraged to learn and excel in classes where other students are not included.

For those educators who are implementing an inclusive design approach to their lessons, it is important that they take a holistic approach to their approach. Students who are struggling with basic skills, or just need some extra help with some areas of their instruction, can benefit from a variety of technology choices. Interactive whiteboards, for example, offer students a rich medium through which they can express themselves and work on various projects. Some of these programs, like DragonTalk, are specifically designed for individuals who may have trouble communicating and may not be able to fully utilize standard instructional methods.

There is a wide variety of other assistive technology resources that can help students with disabilities learn more in class. The inclusion of technology in the learning experience extends beyond the range of typical text-based aids. Technology experts have identified a variety of options available to educators that can create a more fluid learning environment. Some of these options include adaptive music, Braille media player systems, large LCD display that can display words, pictures, and logos, as well as computer-aided speech recognition software. A variety of other technologies for the education of special needs children are also now offered through a growing number of school districts.

For those students who struggle to learn Braille, there are a variety of software programs and infrastructures that can help. A growing number of schools are using Microsoft Office programs and text-based applications, as well as assistive technology like Braille dots on their websites and in the classroom. In addition to helping to recognize and print Braille documents, teachers can use these programs to create word clouds, highlight Braille blocks, and even create worksheets that can be used to supplement traditional worksheets. Students who are assigned homework may also find these notetakers useful.

Many dyslexics, however, have a problem with recognizing text written in a different language. For this group of students, there are a wide range of tools available to help them recognize basic and complex dyslexia text written in multiple languages. Some of these dyslexia print-to-speech programs are designed for mobile devices, while others are designed for office use on the go. Students with this disability may also find some of the notetaking apps helpful, since they allow them to scan in a document, print it, and then listen to an audio description of the information.

The next time you are out driving or shopping, don’t forget to keep your eyes on the road. While you might assume that reading books is only important during the morning commute, you might be surprised at just how much reading you can do throughout the day. Consider investing in a portable e-reader, one of the latest developments in reading technology. By using a modern electronic reader, you can turn text into images so you can read it from any distance. Technology for dyslexics isn’t just about convenience and practicality: it’s also a great way to ensure your student continues to receive a high school education.

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