
Tech For Podcasts

Technology for podcasts is making it easier than ever before to create, promote, and sell your podcasts to the masses. There are many options available to both new and veteran podcasters who wish to distribute their podcast to the world for a profit. In order to promote your podcast, there are several options available for podcasters including RSS feeds, podcast directories, and podcast advertising programs. All of these options provide you with a method of promoting your podcast in a cost-effective manner. Podcast directories list podcasts by category. RSS feeds list podcasts by topic and allow podcasters to subscribe to feeds that are targeted to their particular topic.

Many podcasters have used these methods to build substantial followings and loyal listeners. By using podcast advertising programs on websites like iTunes and Google Play, podcasting marketers can place advertisements within podcasts. Podcast adverts are generally considered to be in the entertainment industry’s gray area. Podcast creators are able to choose whether or not their ad will be blocked by ad-blocking software, although some advertisers will still block all podcast advertising.

The AdSense program has been successful for many podcasting creators because it allows creators to generate revenue from sponsors. By displaying adverts within podcasts, creators are able to generate a monthly income from subscription fees. Because the ads are contextual, they only appear when a user scrolls over to a certain part of a podcast or plays a specific song. AdSense for podcasts is very similar to regular AdSense and most WordPress users will be able to install the code manually.

Another way to begin inserting ads within podcasts is through real-time audio ads. Podcast sponsorships allow podcasters to place ads on their shows and patrons can listen to their podcasts and click play buttons on ads which will play within their audio player. When sponsors contact podcasters, they will place ads on their shows. These sponsors can be companies, individuals, and products. Sponsors often prefer podcasters who have more subscribers or listeners and offer larger payments per month.

Unlike typical podcast ads which are placed after each episode, Tech for podcasts allow podshells to be placed around particular content. A podcast can customize their podcast in any number of ways and use these ad spots to direct listeners towards their websites. When a listener loads a podshell, they will see ads that are targeted according to the content they are listening to. If a listener likes the ad, they will likely stay on the show longer. In the same way that podcasts have ad-block software, they also have podcast ad-blockers. Podcast listeners can choose to turn off these ads, however many do not, and these ads can appear in a variety of places throughout the podiatric.

Both Tech for podcasts and podcast advertising work for both creator and advertisers. Podcasts are gaining in popularity as listeners continue to demand fresh new content. As a creator, you will want to utilize the advertising opportunities that present themselves to maximize your earnings while ensuring that you maintain full creative control over your creation.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

I network in Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester in the North West, England.

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