
The future of printing

Invented in 1984, technology of 3D printing has slowly started to become recognizable and used just a couple of years ago. Now, it is swiftly conquering the market in the world. It’s influence is seen especially in the domestic fields of everyday life, such as medicine, space travels, home management and building, as well as architecture and security mechanisms.

The father of the invention

Charles Hull is believed to be the inventor this amazing technology after he was experimenting with UV light and prepared the basics of stereolitography. In 1986 Hull developed rapid prototyping in his company 3D Systems. His main goal was to find a means to create objects and their prototypes very fast. Eventually, prototyping is a way of creating various objects of any kind by simply adding new layers of material.

Different types, different models

As there are a few different types of 3d printing. One of them is FDM (Fuse Deposition Modelling), that processes and melts plastic—the main material and source of future products. It’s main advantage is a great range items’ sizes. Additionally, they are more resistant to damage.  Another method is SLA (Stereolitography). This one, on the other hand,  involves photopolymerization, a process that relies on connecting molecules with a beam of light. Here, the main assets are precision and high quality. Next technique is SLS (Selective Laser Sintering). This one is the most popular and is used most often, as the price of products is closely related to their quality. The material used in SLS is powder processed by a special sls nylon 3d printer. This one is most popular and is used most often, as it the price of the products is adequate to quality. The component that used in SLS is powder. The material is sintered by a laser. In the process, the pilot product is very resistant and have a long endurance.

SLS nylon 3D printer – where it is used?

Products of 3D printing are used in medicine, space exploration, army, even fashion and in everyday life. An example of such products can be air pollution masks. These masks are a response to high level of air pollution in the cities all over the world. They exists designs as for adults as for children, for the pollution is a greater threat to them.

Another product may be an exoskeleton, that helps people, for example, who suffer from SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). The exoskeleton makes it possible for these people, especially children, to use their hands.

There are also data glasses, voting pilots used in conferences to count votes and many other inventions that every day ease our struggles and simplify our life.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

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