
Three Tips for Smart Business Wifi Deployment


As anyone will tell you who is looking to set up a new business location, getting the wifi deployment right at the start can cut down on a lot of headaches later. It may seem like a small thing when compared with ordering computers and getting bank loans in place, but everything contributes to the success of a business. When deciding to setup that wifi router in the right place, make sure the deployment is optimum for how you will use it. It will make the rest of your work that much easier. Here are a few tips that should help you get this aspect of your new business off to a great start.

Be Prepared for Office Wifi Challenges

While it is true that having wifi for the office does add a certain ease to the use of many of the devices, it can also introduce a few problems that are particular with the use of business wifi. If you are in an office building where there are many other offices around you, particular care must be taken with the type of signal and the security of it. Office wifi is much more prone to hackers and other problems. Be sure that whoever is in charge of setting up your wifi knows how to configure the wifi deployment so it is safe and secure.

Getting the Best Wifi Deployment Coverage

If you are just moving into a new office space, planning for the configuration of office furniture and where the wifi router will be placed can be crucial. This is particularly true if you plan to be on more than one floor or level. Strangely enough, having your users too closely placed can create a storm of interference to the wifi system as much as having them too far apart. Planning before you install is always the best bet.

Include PoE or Power over Ethernet Features

Often overlooked in the planning stages, this is a feature well worth becoming more informed about when looking at office wifi deployment planning. When all departments embrace the use of power over ethernet or PoE you will find you have greater flexibility and room for easy expansion. What is even more important, when these are used for each individual device, the need for a separate PoE network switch becomes redundant.

Planning Ahead Saves Time and Money

As with any business venture, when you take the time to plan out your wireless network and allow for the eventual changes that technology always brings, you can control the budget as well as how the network is setup. Including your department personnel can also often give you insights into work habits that may point to better placement of computers and routers. By looking at the type of coverage you can expect, planning the placement of the individual routers and making it easier by using PoE for individual devices, the wifi deployment can go smoothly and efficiently. In the end it is just one less headache, always welcomed when either moving or making changes to any business office.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

I network in Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester in the North West, England.

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