
Web Technology Basics

Web technology is the heart of any web design. Without a well-designed website, your potential customers or clients will not find you. The design of your website will determine whether you get traffic or not. If you have a poor design then you won’t have many visitors. So to avoid this, you should pay attention to the web technology you choose for your site.

There are four web technologies that can be used to build a website: ASP, PHP, ColdFusion and JSP. ASP is the most commonly used language. With ASP a web page consists of a few pages, while with JSP and ColdFusion the pages build up one after the other. There is also a small difference between PHP and Cold Fusion although they are both Java Scripting Languages so there really isn’t much difference between them.

The fourth web technologies is the web browser. There are several web browsers available such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. When using web technology you will need to select a web browser that is compatible with your computer’s operating system. This web technology is what makes your site viewable by all the web browsers.

Another thing you will need is a web programmer. A web programmer is a person who writes web technology using different languages. It is important that a programmer has the appropriate skills in the various web technologies that he or she is writing. Experienced programmers use the latest web technology to write their scripts. Most websites are written using HTML, which is a markup language. An HTML programmer will usually know how to use all the web technologies.

The final things you will need to have our web servers and back-end developers. Back end developers are the people who will actually display the content of your website to your visitors. Some examples of back-end developers are web designers, content developers, software development and many more. Web servers will allow you to host your website on the internet. This technology allows you to have a presence on the world wide web without any cost. Most web technologies can be hosted on a free server, but some web technologies such as Java and XML require a server for optimum functionality.

The above list is just a few things needed for web technology. As you can see these are very broad and encompass many different areas of web development technologies. Even if you only need one piece of software, you will still need to find a programmer, designer and a web developer. These can sometimes be done onsite at a web design or programming company but often you will be better off dealing with an internet provider.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

I network in Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester in the North West, England.

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