
What IT Does My Start-Up Need?

When you’re starting a business, there are a number of key essentials that you’ll require. In this post, we focus on how essential IT is to the success of any business.


In the 21st century, we’re utterly reliant upon technology. From using the television to access our news to in car entertainment on the commute to work, we’re a slave to technology in our personal lives. The same can be said for businesses. Nowadays, IT is central to everything businesses do, making it vitally important. Here’s all the IT your start-up business needs:


A server is essential as they allow a computer on your network to serve information to other computers. As such, they allow you and your staff to be able to share information with each other and between machines. From storing mail to storing files, there will be a type of server to suit your business’s needs.

Here, it’s important to not cost cut. Reliable brands such as HP are available cheaply online from places such as Pinnacle Data. Reliability is key in business, so always go for a named brand.

A Website

Nowadays, companies do a lot of their business online. From selling orders to attracting new customers, a website is vital to your success.

Thankfully, you don’t need to be an online coding wizard or spend hundreds of thousands of pounds. You can simply buy a domain name for around £20 and build your site step by step. It’ll only need to be basic and you can upgrade as you go. It’s just important that you have an online presence. After all, Google processes over 40,000 search queries per second!

Social Media

Finally, you’ll need to ensure that your company has a presence on social media. Facebook and Twitter in particular can have a huge impact on business results, allowing you to reach new audiences.

A well-targeted social media campaign that results in your content going viral can give you huge exposure at a fraction of the price of traditional marketing, so social media channels are well worth investing in. Plus, setting up a company Facebook and Twitter account is free, so you’ve not really got a lot to lose. The only investment that you’ll really need is employee time.

So there we have it, technology is vital for 21st century businesses. Make sure you’re investing in the right things and allow your business to grow naturally thanks to technology.

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My name is Gary, a 31 year old Tech Loving marketer passionate about home tech and coffee.

I'm a Programmer for hire working with small to medium businesses.

I network in Warrington, Liverpool and Manchester in the North West, England.

This website is my online notebook dedicated to tech, marketing and finance.

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